
A project by Office for Foreign Affairs

Improved early childhood education in Kosovo

Unemployment has been high in Kosovo for many years. According to the Kosovo Statistical Office, the labour force participation rate was just 28.4% in 2020. Employment among women was significantly lower at 14.1% than among men (42.8%). One of the main reasons is that childcare in Kosovo, e.g. in the form of pre-school programmes, is poorly developed. There are only 44 public kindergartens in the country.

With its project, Caritas Switzerland is supporting the current government's activities to build new kindergartens and expand existing pre-school provision. The aim is to strengthen early childhood education with improved structures. Parents and nursery schoolteachers are given the opportunity to become professionally active. More than 3'000 children, 300 parents, 500 trainee nursery schoolteachers and 900 educators are set to benefit from the project over a period of three years.

Project goals

The range and quality of training and cooperation in early childhood education will be improved.

Mechanisms to integrate part-time and trainee educators into the labour market are established. Parents are put in a position to enter the labour market.

Early childhood infrastructure is being expanded, including access for marginalised and hospitalised children, resulting in new employment opportunities.

Project facts

Country and region:


Project duration:

2023 – 2025

Total amount:

CHF 708'000

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