
A project by Liechtenstein Development Service (LED)

Decentralized Education for Nurses in Zambia

The overall objective of the project is to enable the Zambian Ministry of Health to increase the number of qualified nursing and midwifery graduates and thus close the human resource gap in the nursing sector.

This is expected to improve the population's access to quality health care, especially in rural areas, as well as the employment and income situation for young people and their families.

To achieve this goal, SolidarMed and the Ministry of Health will introduce the decentralized training model in seven more colleges and thus in all provinces of Zambia. The Nursing Council, Ministry of Health, and provincial health departments will be capacitated to further scale the model in the provinces.

Project goals

The three main outcomes of the project are:

Seven new colleges have successfully adopted the decentralized training model for nurses and midwifes.

In total ten "lead colleges" are capacitated to transfer the decentralized training model to other colleges in their provinces.

Colleges that implement the decentralized training model increase the quality of training as well as the number of successful graduates.

Project facts

Country and region:

all regions

Project duration:

01.01.2023 – 31.12.2026

Total amount:

CHF 4’500’000 (LED: CHF 1’000’000)

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