
A project by Office for Foreign Affairs

Building capacities in the fight against corruption

According to the International Crisis Group (ICG), climate change and conflict are interrelated. Where unstable conditions, poor governance and poverty prevail, it is difficult to provide humanitarian aid and build climate resilience. The UN is therefore calling for early warning systems to minimise climate risks in developing countries.

The UN Secretary-General is aiming to introduce such systems globally by 2027. The ICG, an NGO founded in 1995 that works to resolve and prevent conflicts, has therefore expanded its programme: It will carry out a variety of activities on the topic of climate change and conflict prevention. This should help to mitigate the effects of climate change in conflict regions.

The most important pillar of the programme is an early warning system for climate security, which ICG has developed. The early warning system called "Environmental Early Action and Risk Tracking Hub" (EEARTH), will identify potential climate security risks in the test area at the Horn of Africa in order to develop solutions and contribute to evidence-based policies in the region.

The full development of EEARTH is expected to take approximately three years and will cost 3.5 million US dollars. A second pillar of the ICG programme is to create reports on the specific links between conflicts and climate change in Mexico, Iran and South Sudan. Liechtenstein, which has supported ICG with solidarity contributions for ten years, will participate in this programme as well in order to contribute to positive political change in conflict regions through ICG's targeted field research and policy analysis.

Project goals

Development of the climate and conflict early warning system EEARTH and test deployment in the Horn of Africa.

Preparation of climate and conflict reports in Mexico, Iran and South Sudan.

Project facts

Country and region:

Ethiopia, Dijbouti, Eritrea, Iran, Mexico, Somalia, Sudan

Project duration:


Total amount:

CHF 100'000

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