
A project by Liechtenstein Development Service (LED)

Sustainable food security for farming families in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is severely affected by the effects of climate change, which further exacerbates the difficult living conditions of the population, 68% of whom live in rural areas.

The long-term food security of the population is threatened by low soil fertility, which in turn is partly due to inappropriate agricultural and forestry use. An important factor in increasing deforestation is, for example, the use of open fires by more than 80% of households.

Through the regeneration of ecosystems, natural reforestation and long-term food security, this project is helping to mitigate the consequences of climate change and strengthen the resilience of 6,000 farming families.

Project goals

Natural reforestation and regeneration of ecosystems in protected areas.

Soil improvement and food security thanks to sustainable and organic agriculture and forestry.

Reduction of energy requirements and wood consumption through energy-efficient cooking stoves.

Diversification and improvement of income through value creation from agricultural and non-timber forest products.

Project facts

Country and region:

Burkina Faso

Project duration:

01.01.2021 – 31.12.2024

Total amount:

CHF 400‘000

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