
Private individuals

In Liechtenstein, private individuals, associations and charitable foundations show their solidarity in a variety of ways. They make a significant contribution to Liechtenstein's international solidarity and complement the activities of the state actors, the Office for Foreign Affairs and the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED), which play an important role in international cooperation. Through their commitment, private individuals contribute significantly to Liechtenstein's positive international image.

So-called public-private partnerships, or PPPs, further enrich this commitment: public and private actors work hand in hand, pooling resources, sharing knowledge and using joint networks to develop sustainable solutions to global challenges.

Logo von der Vereinigung liechtensteinischer gemeinnütziger Stiftungen und Trusts

As an internationally interconnected lobby group for the charitable sector, the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations (Vereinigung  liechtensteinischer gemeinnütziger Stiftungen, VLGST) assures that the affiliated member foundations and trusts are being heard.

Logo vom Netzwerk für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Liechtenstein

In Liechtenstein, many people are involved in development cooperation and international solidarity. Their aim is to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people and to work for a safe and dignified future for coming generations. The network for development assistance unites civil society actors, enabling them to pursue common goals and activities.