
Liechtenstein shows solidarity

In Liechtenstein solidarity with disadvantaged people has a long tradition and shaped the self-image of our country for generations. As a result, solidarity with people who live in disadvantaged regions of the world and are dependent on support is at the core of Liechtenstein's foreign policy.

Liechtenstein’s international solidarity encompasses both short-term emergency and reconstruction assistance as well as longer-term development assistance. International Humanitarian Cooperation and Development (IHCD) is the country’s main instrument of international solidarity.

The platform provides a comprehensive and interactive overview of the country’s international humanitarian and development projects.

Current projects

Facts and figures

Government commitment

Logo vom Amt für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Logo vom Liechtensteinischen Entwicklungsdienst (LED)

Private commitment

Logo vom Netzwerk für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Liechtenstein
Logo von der Vereinigung liechtensteinischer gemeinnütziger Stiftungen und Trusts